

科目一:基礎理財規劃(Foundations of financial planning)-40小時
課程名稱course 時數(h)
1. 理財規劃流程 (financial planning process) 4
2. 個人財務報表與預算編製 (personal financial statements & budgeting) 6
3. 存款與流動性資產之管理 (managing savings and other liquid assets) 4
4. 住屋及重大支出之規劃 (making housing and other major acquisitions) 4
5. 信用之管理 (managing credit) 4
6. 保險需求之管理 (managing insurance needs) 6
7. 投資之管理 (managing investment) 6
8. 退休及財產移轉規劃 (retirement and estate planning) 6
科目二:風險管理與保險規劃 (Risk management and insurance planning)-40小時
課程名稱course 時數(h)
1. 保險之原理 (the principle of insurance) 3
2. 風險之評估與分析 (analysis and evaluation of risk exposures) 3
3. 保險之法律層面 (legal aspects of insurance) 3
4. 財產保險及意外保險 (property and casualty insurance) 2
5. 責任保險 (liability insurance) 2
6. 健康保險 (health insurance) 2
7. 失能保險 (disability income insurance) 2
8. 人壽保險 (life Insurance) 6
9. 投資型保險概論 (investment-oriented insurance products) 6
10. 我國全民健保之介紹 (national health insurance of ROC) 2
11. 保險需求分析與保單規劃 (insurance needs analysis and insurance planning) 6
12. 保險之未來發展 (insurance in the future) 3
科目三:員工福利與退休金規劃(Employee benefits & retirement planning)-40小時
課程名稱course 時數(h)
1. 員工福利及相關制度 (employee benefit plans) 6
2. 職業災害相關法規 (legal aspects of occupational disaster) 8
3. 企業保險 (employer/employee insurance arrangements) 3
4. 退休金制度種類與風險(types of retirement plans and risk) 3
5. 我國退休金制度 (retirement  plans  in Taiwan) 8
6. 其他國家之退休金制度(retirement plans in the other country) 2
7. 退休需求分析 (retirement needs analysis) 8
8. 我國及美國員工認股權證(employee stock options) 2
科目四:投資規劃(Investment Planning)-40小時
課程course 時數(h)
1. 投資工具 (investment vehicles) 9
2. 投資報酬與風險的衡量 (measures of investment returns and risk) 6
3. 證券之評價模式 (pricing model) 4
4. 投資組合管理與衡量 (portfolio management and measurement) 9
5. 效率市場理論 (efficient market theory) 2
6. 股價分析 (analysis of stock prices) 4
7. 衍生性金融商品 (derivatives) 4
8.行為財務學(behavioral finance) 2
科目五:租稅與財產移轉規劃 (Tax Planning and Estate Planning )-40小時
課程course 時數(h)
1. 所得稅原理 (income tax fundamentals ) 2
2. 個人所得稅 (individual income tax) 7
3. 營利事業所得稅 (business income tax) 8
4. 兩稅合一 (tax integration system) 2
5. 信託規劃 (trust planning) 4
6. 民法親屬繼承之相關規定 (regulations regarding succession) 4
7. 遺產與贈與稅法之相關規定 (taxation and compliance on estate and gift tax) 5
8. 財產稅 (property tax) 2
9. 財產移轉策略 (strategy of property transfer) 2
10. 財產移轉之工具運用 (use of instruments in estate planning) 3
科目六:全方位理財規劃(Comprehensive financial planning)-40小時
課程course 時數(h)
1. 基礎理財規劃-課程複習與實例演練  6
(general principle of financial planning- course review and case study)
2. 風險管理與保險規劃-課程複習與實例演練 4
(risk management and insurance planning- course review and case study)
3. 投資規劃-課程複習與實例演練  6
(investment planning-course review and case study)
4. 員工福利與退休金規劃-課程複習與實例演練  4
(employee benefit and retirement planning- course review and case study)
5. 租稅與財產移轉規劃-課程複習與實例演練  4
(tax and estate planning-course review and case study)
6. 特殊狀況下的理財規劃及金錢處理方案  4
(financial planning and monetary settlement for special circumstances)
7. 理財相關法律知識與規定 (legal knowledge & implications for financial planner) 4
8. 經濟環境與指標 (economic environment and indicators) 4
9. 綜合案例演練與總複習整理 (integrated course review and case study) 4
科目一補充課程 基礎理財規劃補充課程(condensed)-12小時
課程course 時數(h)
1. 理財規劃流程 (financial planning process) 1
2. 個人財務報表與預算編製 (personal financial statements & budgeting) 2
3. 存款與流動性資產之管理 (managing savings and other liquid assets) 1
4. 住屋及重大支出之規劃 (making housing and other major acquisitions) 1
5. 信用之管理 (managing credit) 1
6. 保險需求之管理 (managing insurance needs) 2
7. 投資之管理 (managing investment) 2
8. 退休及財產移轉規劃 (retirement and estate planning) 2

